Well, I probably shouldn't do this, but I've started another Blog. Like I don't already spend too much time at the MacBook. As some of you might have guessed, I like to cook and I love to eat. So I thought I'd share my recipes, humble as they may be and a look at "What's for Dinner at Our House." The plan is to be discovered by the Food Network for my cooking show, which hubby has titled: "Cranky Franky's in the Kitchen".
Am I ready for critics? Probably not. I know my instructions are not always clear or precise. Let me know if something doesn't make sense. Anyhow, if you're interested, check out "Dinner's Ready"

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pain du Jour

This is a part whole wheat, oatmeal, sunflower seed, honey and molasses bread. Just because I felt like it.

No real recipe.  About 2 cups of water, 1 packet yeast, some honey (2 or 3 tablespoons), some molasses (about 1/4 cup), let it sit a bit; add a little butter ( about 2 tablespoons) a good teaspoon of salt, a cup and a half of whole wheat flour, beat well.  Add a good handful of quick oats, a handful of sunflower seeds, and unbleached white flour until you have a nice sticky, but not too sticky dough.  Knead for a few minutes dusting with flour as needed.  Let rise a couple of hours (our house is kept at about 63 degrees), cut, form into loaves, put into greased bread pans, let rise another hour, preheat oven to 475 degrees, bake for 15 minutes, then lower heat to 375 for another 10 to 15 minutes.  Voila, pain.

Dinner was ready... the bread was baking during dinner, so it will be great toasted for breakfast in the morning.

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